Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering Graduates (GATE)
Admission to postgraduate Programmes, with MHRD and other Govt. Scholarship/Assistantship in Engineering/Technology/Architecture /Pharmacy/Science at Engineering Colleges/Institutes in the country is open only to those who qualify through GATE.Candidates are required to find out the procedure of final selection and award of scholarship/assistantship from the institutions in which they seek admission.
Eligibility for GATE:
The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear for GATE
a) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/technology/Architecture/Pharmacy and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes;
b) Master;s degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistic/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final of such programmes.
c) Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-Year Integrated Master’s degree programme (Post –B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of the Five-Year Integrated Master’s degree/ Dual degree programme in Engineering/technology;
d) Candidates with qualifications obtained through examination conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech.Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.
Scheme of Examination
All candidates for GATE have to appear in a single paper of 3 hours duration and of 150 marks.
Paper Code
Erospace Engineering AE
Agricultural Engg. AG
Architecture and Planning AR
Civil Engineering CE
Chemical Engg. CH
Computer Science & Engg CS
Chemistry CY
Electronics & Comm.Engg EC
Electrical Engg. EE
Geology & Geophysics GG
Insturmentation Engg. IN
Information Techology IT
Mathematics MA
Mechanical Engg ME
Minimg Engg. MN
Metallurgical Engg MT
Physics PH
Production & Industrial Engg. PI
Pharmaceutical Sciences PY
Textile Engg.& Fibre Sci TF
Engineering Sciences XE
Life Sciences XL
Paper XE and XL are of general nature and would comprise of the following Sections:
Engineering Sciences(XE) Life Sciences (XL)
Engg Mathematics (A) Chemistry (Compulsory )(H)
Computational Science (B) Biochemistry (I)
Electrical sciences(C) Biotechnology (J)
Fluid Mechanics(D) Botany (K)
Materials Science(E) Microbiology (L)
Solid Mechanics (F) Zoology (M)
Thermodynamics (G)
All Question papers are of fully Objective type. There is negative marking for each wrong answer.The deduction would be 25% of the marks allotted. Candidates qualified in XE or XL paper would be further examined by the admitting institute to assess heir suitability for a particular programme.
Candidates is free to choose any of the papers to his/her admission plan keeping in mind the eligibility criteria.
Candidates studying in the four the year of 5 year integrated M.Tech/Dual degree programme are treated at par wih those in the final year of 4 year BE/B Tech programme and expected to appear in the paper appropriate to the discipline of their qualifying degree.
Normally GATE score is valid for two years.
Information Brochure and Application Form
Application for GATE may be submitted either ONLINE (Internet based) or by post. Application fee * for the online mode is Rs. 900/- and by post mode is Rs.1000/- (Rs.400 by online and Rs. 500/- by post for SC/ST Candidates). Online submission of applications may be done by accessing the websites of IITs and IISC Bangalore.* Subject to change from time to time.
Information Brochure and Application Forms are also available by Post from/at the counter of GATE Offices on payment of Application fee by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Institute where the candidates intend to register. Two self-addressed slips are to be enclosed along with the request to the Chairman –GATE of the concerned Institute. The Registration fee is not refundable.
Information Brochure and Application Forms /Online submissions: September.
Date of Examiantion:February.Result Declaration :March
Admission to postgraduate Programmes, with MHRD and other Govt. Scholarship/Assistantship in Engineering/Technology/Architecture /Pharmacy/Science at Engineering Colleges/Institutes in the country is open only to those who qualify through GATE.Candidates are required to find out the procedure of final selection and award of scholarship/assistantship from the institutions in which they seek admission.
Eligibility for GATE:
The following categories of candidates are eligible to appear for GATE
a) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/technology/Architecture/Pharmacy and those who are in the final or pre-final year of such programmes;
b) Master;s degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistic/ Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final of such programmes.
c) Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-Year Integrated Master’s degree programme (Post –B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or higher year of the Five-Year Integrated Master’s degree/ Dual degree programme in Engineering/technology;
d) Candidates with qualifications obtained through examination conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE as equivalent to B.E/B.Tech.Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.
Scheme of Examination
All candidates for GATE have to appear in a single paper of 3 hours duration and of 150 marks.
Paper Code
Erospace Engineering AE
Agricultural Engg. AG
Architecture and Planning AR
Civil Engineering CE
Chemical Engg. CH
Computer Science & Engg CS
Chemistry CY
Electronics & Comm.Engg EC
Electrical Engg. EE
Geology & Geophysics GG
Insturmentation Engg. IN
Information Techology IT
Mathematics MA
Mechanical Engg ME
Minimg Engg. MN
Metallurgical Engg MT
Physics PH
Production & Industrial Engg. PI
Pharmaceutical Sciences PY
Textile Engg.& Fibre Sci TF
Engineering Sciences XE
Life Sciences XL
Paper XE and XL are of general nature and would comprise of the following Sections:
Engineering Sciences(XE) Life Sciences (XL)
Engg Mathematics (A) Chemistry (Compulsory )(H)
Computational Science (B) Biochemistry (I)
Electrical sciences(C) Biotechnology (J)
Fluid Mechanics(D) Botany (K)
Materials Science(E) Microbiology (L)
Solid Mechanics (F) Zoology (M)
Thermodynamics (G)
All Question papers are of fully Objective type. There is negative marking for each wrong answer.The deduction would be 25% of the marks allotted. Candidates qualified in XE or XL paper would be further examined by the admitting institute to assess heir suitability for a particular programme.
Candidates is free to choose any of the papers to his/her admission plan keeping in mind the eligibility criteria.
Candidates studying in the four the year of 5 year integrated M.Tech/Dual degree programme are treated at par wih those in the final year of 4 year BE/B Tech programme and expected to appear in the paper appropriate to the discipline of their qualifying degree.
Normally GATE score is valid for two years.
Information Brochure and Application Form
Application for GATE may be submitted either ONLINE (Internet based) or by post. Application fee * for the online mode is Rs. 900/- and by post mode is Rs.1000/- (Rs.400 by online and Rs. 500/- by post for SC/ST Candidates). Online submission of applications may be done by accessing the websites of IITs and IISC Bangalore.* Subject to change from time to time.
Information Brochure and Application Forms are also available by Post from/at the counter of GATE Offices on payment of Application fee by Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Institute where the candidates intend to register. Two self-addressed slips are to be enclosed along with the request to the Chairman –GATE of the concerned Institute. The Registration fee is not refundable.
Information Brochure and Application Forms /Online submissions: September.
Date of Examiantion:February.Result Declaration :March
GATE Exam details
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