BITS Entrance Examination and Courses

Courses offered at BITS, Pilani in Pilani Campus:
B.E.(Hons.):Chemical;Civil;Computer Science Electrical and Electronics; Electronics & Instrumentation; Mechanical; B.Pham. (Hons); Msc. (Hons): Biological Science; Chemistry; Economics; Mathematics; Physics; and M.Sc (Tech): General studies; Engineering Technology; Finance; Information systems
Courses Offered at BITS, Pilani in Hyderabad Campus:
B.E.(Hons):Chemical;Civil;Computer Science;Electronics & Communication,Electrical and Electronics; Electrical and Instrumentation; Mechanical;B.Pham.(Hons);Msc.(Hons.):Biological Science; Chemistry; Economics;Mathematics; Physics; and M.SC. (Tech.): Information systems

For the admissions to all the above programmes except B.Pham. (Hons.) And (Hons.)Biological science, candidate should have passed the 12th examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and adequate proficiency in English.

For admission to B.Pham.(Hons)and (Hons):Biological Sciences programmes, candidates should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system with Physics,Chemistry,and Biology or Mathematics and adequate proficiency in English. Candidates having Mathematics and Biology in 10+2 have to decide whether they wish to appear in Mathematics or Biology subjects in BITSAT

Eligibility:   The candidate should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 80% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and mathematics subjects (if he/she has taken Mathematics in BITSAT) or a minimum of aggrugate80%  in  Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in BISAT) subject in 12th examination, with at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/ biology subjects. Admission should be made purely on merit.
The examination: BITSAT will be of total three hour duration. The test consist of the four parts i.e., Part-Physics, Part 2Chemistry  Part3-(a) English proficiency and (b)Logical reasoning and  part 4-Mathematics or Biology. Students who have taken Mathematics and not Biology in 10+2 have to appear for Mathematics in part 4.Students who have taken Biology in 10+2 and not Mathematics have to appear for Biology inPart4. Students who have taken both Mathematics and Biology in 10+2 can opt for either Mathematics or Biology in part4.Candidates who appear in Biology in part 4 will be eligible for admission to Science and B.Pham.(Hons.) Only. Candidates who appear in Mathematics in part 4 will be eligible for admission to any of the Integrated First Degree programmes, including (Hons.) Biological Sciences and B.Pham. (Hons.)

All questions (150 questions) are of objective type. Each correct answer fetches three markes, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of one mark. No markes are awarded for not attempted questions. While the candidate skip a question, the computer will not allow the candidate to choose more than one option as correct answer .The candidate can go back and any of his/she answers among the 150 questions.

If the candidate answers all the 150 questions (without skipping any questions),the candidate will have an option of attempting 12(twelve)extra questions, if there is still time left. These extra questions will be from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology only; four questions from each part. Further, once the candidate has opted for extra questions, he cannot go back for correction of any of the earlier answered 150 questions.
The questions are so designed that a good student will be able to answer 150 questions in 180 minutes. The extra questions (a maximum of 12) will give a chance to highly meritorious candidates to score higher. However, candidates should keep in mind the fact that there is negative marking for wrong answers and any attempt to answer the questions by pure guessing of the answers is not likely to have any advantage, but may resulting a reduction in the total score
 Admissition to integrated first degree programmers will be made through a computer based online test conducted by BITS. Computer based online test means the candidates sits in front of a computer and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate submits the answers through the use of keyboard or mouse. Each computer is connected to a server, which prepares the questions set and delivers it to the candidate on the computer .This is unlike the traditional paper pencil based on test, which is generally offered on a single day to all candidates.BITSAT will be offered over a period of time and the candidate can choose the center, the day and time of his/her convenience to take test.
BITS Entrance Examination and Courses BITS Entrance Examination and Courses Reviewed by traveller on 1:59:00 AM Rating: 5

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